Monday, March 23, 2020

5 Fun French Games to Help With Vocabulary and More

5 Fun French Games to Help With Vocabulary and More Megan L. Learning French in a class or with a private teacher is important, but as with all languages, practice hours are critical to building fluency. But how do you get motivated to study French every day? According to these sites and apps, the secret is making your lessons into a game! Digital Dialects   Vocabulary and Verb Conjugation Games Aimed mostly at beginning learners, these French games use simple, clear graphics to present practice opportunities for a variety of vocabulary building. Many of the games can be adjusted to provide either audio or text prompts, so you can use them to build both listening and reading comprehension. Some advanced vocabulary is available, as well as verb practice and even spelling and the spelling games include selecting the correct article, which is important practice for English-native students unused to the French gender system. French Games   Vocabulary and Sentence Games On this site, students can select a topic, receive a brief tutorial on the vocabulary involved, and then choose a game to play for practice. Ideal for learning on your own or work between lessons, the site also offers tests so you can track your success. With a variety of game types available, you can pick one that seems intuitive to you structurally, instead of being bogged down by a confusing game mode that isnt relevant to your language learning. The site is primarily directed at children and young adults, but theres no reason learners of all ages cant enjoy it. Très  Bien French   Vocabulary and Verb Games Like the site above, this website has a variety of games available, including ones designed to help with verb conjugation in a number of tenses. The vocabulary is extensive, reaching into more advanced grammar and topics. However, it should be noted that access to the more detailed material requires a one-time purchase which for ten dollars provides access not only to French material, but to other languages as well. Its up to you to decide whether the amount of detail is worth the modest price tag. The site is also available as an app. Quia   Teacher-Created Games and Activities On  Quia, subscribed teachers can create online activities and class pages. However, the best resource it provides is available free: shared activities. These free games are created by teachers and made available by the thousands, covering every possible topic. You can even search by textbook, to come up with activities corresponding to your current lesson plan and specific vocabulary. Duolingo   Addictive Language Learning Game Saving the most famous for last,  Duolingo  is a renowned language learning site and app that functions like a game, providing rewards for diligent studying in the form of leveling up, health tracking, and  unlockable  extra lessons. While it cant replace the interaction and real-world practice of lesson time with a good teacher,  Duolingo  provides an excellent study environment suited for busy students who have trouble getting motivated to work on their own. There are plenty more French games out there, so keep an eye out, and remember that while learning a language can be difficult, it doesnt have to be a burden. For more personal attention and help learning a new language, working with a private tutor is the best way to go. Search for a French tutor available near you or online today! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Sean MacEntee

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